
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 11:37:11
写一个旅游计划[写广州的] 7句话 小学五年级英语水平

Family name : Chen [Eddie]

Holiday : Guangzhou by train

Stay : With relatuves

How long : 4 days

My name is Chen Eddie.
This holiday i will go to Guangzhou.
I will go there by train.
I will stay with my realtives.
I will stay there for four days.
I think Guangzhou is a good place to travel.
What a colourful travelling i will go!

I like traveling very much.I want to travel to Hongkong next summer.I want to travel there by train.I want to stay there for 4 days.I want to go to the Disiy Land.I hope my parents can take me to there.I will take photos with them.